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Clean Room Solutions | Checking and changing filters
Clean Room Solutions | Checking and changing filters
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Checking and changing filters

Pre-Filter Replacement

Pre-filter media should be replaced every six months and inspected regularly. Pre-filters in gowning rooms should be inspected and replaced more frequently, as un-gowned individuals introduce more contamination before they’ve donned cleanroom attire. If pre-filters in the main cleanroom appear visibly dirty at less than six month intervals, inspection is beneficial every 2 – 3 months.

HEPA & ULPA Filter Replacement

As a HEPA filter loads with particulate, its resistance to airflow increases, forcing the fan to work harder to produce the required amount of air throughput. Pressure loss across the filter has a significant impact on the larger system at work. Although it is not uncommon that HEPA filters in medical device assembly last five or more years, proactive replacement prevents unnecessary energy costs.

Optimal Fan Filter Efficiency and Cost Savings

Longer filter life cycles increase energy use as the filter clogs with particulate. The energy penalty to move air through a dirty filter often outweighs the cost of replacement.

Operating a filter to its most extreme boundaries rarely has an economic advantage. Maximize performance and filtration investment by replacing dirty fan filters once the pressure drop has doubled from the initial installation value.

Fan Filter Servicing

Each fan filter can be changed out as needed. Unlike a dedicated air handling unit, filter servicing does not require shutting down an entire system. The unit in question can be shut down, while the other units can operate independently so that cleanliness of the space is maintained. Fan filter units are not only easy to service and maintain as needed, but also produce a much lower noise floor when in operation.

Clean Room Solutions employees checks filtering system and the filters themselves before changing. Each filter after the inspection receives a protocol where customer can see filter condition. A filter that does not fit requirements can be changed by customer or Clean Room Solutions can do that.